Meg Doherty

Friday 28th February, 7.40pm @Boolarra Memorial Hall

The vibrant, sassy, energetic, charming talent that is Meg Doherty is the honest, brave and startling face of the independent music scene. With a lot to say and a unique way to say it, the recipe? Take an acoustic 'Maton' guitar, some raw Australian talent, unyielding lyrics with Soul and mix 'em all together for a taste... With emotion the size of the ocean and with a career spanning over 2 decades, the COUNTRY / FOLK singer songwriter has had constant radio airplay in Australia and beyond & lived the independent music scene with 5 Albums under her belt. When you listen to Megs Music, you discover the heavy themes in Meg's songwriting, the heartbreak, distrust, honesty, love, hurt, divorce, light, our country and Meg’s travels around the globe. 


Elizabeth Lynch-Berends


Jungle Jim Smith